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Song: aanandamaanandamaayenu

anandam anandamaayenu
raagam: bhairavi

20 naTabhairavi janya
Aa: S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S
Av: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S

taaLam: dEshaadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu


AnandamAnandamAyenu brahmAnanda nityAnanda sadAnanda para


AnandamAnanda mAnanda mAnanda mAyEnu

caraNam 1

shrI rAma nE dhanyuDanaitini Anandan nIradhilOna
nIdanaitini rAma sAreku nI vADani pEru galuganaiti

caraNam 2

AnATi modalu ninnu vEDiti duSTamAnavula celimi
vIDiti nA mAnamE nIdu bhAra manucu nE telisiti

caraNam 3

pApamulaku bhayamanditi hrttApamu lella callajEsiti
rAma nI pAda muramuna nunci pUjincanaiti

caraNam 4

kaliki yAsalu rOsinaramu yI kalini bratuku nAmasAramu
yiTlu paliki palki tolagi bAya vicAramu

caraNam 5

ilalO sukhamu lEmAyenu yanTE kalaganna bhAgyamu rItAyenu
ninnu kolici dhyAninci telusu koNTi nI mAyanu

caraNam 6

nI yandamunu gani sokkiti neDabAyani prEmacEtajikkiti nA
prAyamulella nI pAlu jEsi mrokkiti

caraNam 7

naluvakainanu nindrukainanu candrakalanu dharincu
vAnikainanu rAma dalacinadella jeppa taramA nOTiki rAdu

caraNam 8

anyamugA jUDadOcenA ganuka dhanyOhamani palka yOcanA
mUrdhanyulaina bhaktAnudhAnta virOcanA

caraNam 9

rAjasa guNamunu mAniti rAma nI japamunu maDi bUniti
tyAgarAju cEsina puNya rAshi yani yenciti

What an extraordinary bliss is this! Is this Brahmanada, eternal and uninterrupted? Shri Rama! I feel honoured, delighted beyond measure. I have at last attained the privilege of being recognized as one belonging to you. >From those early days, I have been prostrating at your feet. I have avoided the association of unworthy men uncompromisingly. I believed firmly that my honour is your concern. I dread the sins and controlled the unbecoming desires in my heart. I installed your feet in my heart and mentally worshipped them. I have no place for passion for women. In this Kaliyuga your name is the sole basis for living. I should remind myself of this again and again for redemption from this value of sorrow, carnal pleasures have evaporated like wealth in a dream. My meditation on you has opened my eyes to this truth. Fascinated by your beauty I have fallen in love with you. I have dedicated all my lifetime to you and your service. Even Brahma, Indra or the Lord of the crescent cannot give expression to all that the mind feels and experiences. If you have really not regarded me as a stranger to you, I will consider myself as twice blessed. Are you not driving away the darkness of your cherished devotees? I have disregarded inertia and furious action and adopted incessant chanting of your names. I am convinced that you are the Embodiment of all my meritorious actions.

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updated on 03/23/2009