padasEvanam nirantara saubhAgyam
padasEvanam nirantara saubhAgyam raagam: dIparam
10 naaTakapriyaa janya
taaLam: Adi pallavi padasEvana nirantara saubhAgyam Eva dEhi pAhi gOpAla svAmin tava (pada) anupallavi
atasI sumanasA parivAdita Ayata nayana manOrama vadana niduvanarasa paripUrita mandAkini caraNam
vadana kumuda nirgata muraLI manOhara vAdana kutuka ! nAda rasArNavOdbhUta madhyamakAlam
vadhUjana manOrathAnandAnupamAnubhava rasamaya maNI bhUSaNa
Meaning: pallavi
gOpAla svAmin - O Krishna, the cowherd lord! anupallavi atasI sumanasA parivAdita - O One of whom the Atasi flower is jealous ! Note : Atasi is a blue flower compared to Krishna's complexion
Ayata nayana - O One with long eyes! caraNam vadana kumuda nirgata muraLI manOhara vAdana kutuka - O One eager to play the captivating flute , (with the music) emanating from your lily-like mouth! nAda rasArNava udbhUta kumuda bAndhava suvadana - O One with a lovely face resembling the moon that has risen from the ocean of Nada! madhura bhAva rabhasa adbhuta shrI dIpra rAga AlApana - O One elaborating the Raga (melody) whose wonder-filled beauty is glowing due to the stirring of love ! gOpa vadhUjana manOratha Ananda anupama anubhava rasamaya - O One filled with the Rasa of the incomparable blissful experience of the (fulfilment) of the desires of the Gopikas !
maNI bhUSaNa - O One wearing gem-studded ornaments!
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