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Song: raavEmE maguva (svarajati)

ravE mE maguva (svarajati)
raagam: aananda bhairavi

20 naTabhairavi janya
Aa: S G2 R2 G2 M1 P D2 P N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Veerabhadrayya
Language: Telugu


rAvEmE maguva vinuva tagavA vEDukanu karuNa nEDuvaga kuluka tODukoni
vEvEgamuga jani nA vibhu kanukoni vAdu valatanI nA mATA vinumani


A mAnini vagalE mA celuvunakEmO ghanamuga tOci nanu maracE
naTa nE manukonuyetanika manambunandu nEmi tOcadanu nuNTi gada


shrIkaruDaku sObanAdri vibhuDu nEDA celimkalase naTa nanu
kaluvala rAjugaLana dElcunaTA upAyamuna telpi tODukoni

Meaning:Contributed by S Govindaswamy

Won't you come (rAvEmO) Maiden (maguva) and listen (vinava tagavA) to the funny thing (vEDukanu) ?... with sympathy (karuNa nEDuvaga)....bringing along(tODukoni)

1 After hurrying (vEVegamE chani) and finding my Lord (nAvibu kanukoni) even if he says that it is not possible (vADuvaladhaninA) tell him to listen to my message (words) (nAmAta vinumani)

2 Did I not think (umti gadA) that even if the other woman's (A mAnini) actions (vagalE) appeared to be great to my beloved (mA cheluvunakEmo ghanamuga tOchi) and he forgot me (nanu marachenaTa nEmanukoni ), and for him (yataniki) in that state of shame (y+A mAnambunamthu) nothing will make sense (n+Emi tOchadanu numti).

3 Today (nEdu) the Lord of SObanAdri (sObanAdri vibhuDu) with those damsels (A chelingalase) will dance?? (natananu).... Tell Him the action plan (upAyamu telpi) and bring Him with you (tOdukoni)

Notation: Available here

Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde and S Govindaswamy.

Sobanadri is one of the hills of Tirumala.

These lyrics are unverified. Here is an alternate version of the lyrics that may or may not be more accurate (Corrections and clarifications welcome):

Raveme maguva vinavudaka
vave dukanu karuna neduva kakulutho dukoni


Ve vegamu kajanina vimpuka nukoni
eeva duva ladani eematavi numani

caraNam 1

A mani nivaka lemo chaluvuni ke moganamu kathochinanu marache
nata nemanu konu yathani kama mambunan dune mitho chagnu nundigada

caraNam 2

Shree garuda shobana thrivi puduneda chelingalache nata
nanungalu valu rajugalanu dhelsu nata upayamu nuthel pithodukoni

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updated on 03/23/2009