Ela nee dayaraadu (baala kanakamaya) - Click to listen (Shivkumar Kalyanaraman)!
Elaa nee dhayaraadhu - baalakanakamaya 29 dheera shankaraabharaNam janya
taaLam: aadi pallavi Ela nI dayarAdu parAku jEsE vELa samayamu gAdu anupallavi
bAla kanakamaya cEla sujana paripAla shrI ramAlOla vidhrta
sharajAlaA caraNam 1
rArA dEvAdi dEva! rArA mahAnubhAva rArA rAjIvanEtra raghuvara
putrA caraNam 2
rAjAdhirAja muni pUjitapAda ravirAjalOcana sharaNya ati
lAvaNya caraNam 3
yAgarakSaNa parama bhAgavatArcita yOgIndra su-hrdbhAvita
Meaning: One who converses with the wise! Essence of all the VEdas! You are the King of Kings, your feet are praised by sages; sun and moon are your eyes, you bestow refuge, most beautiful, praised by Siva who adorsn crescent , you have Garuda the king of birds as your vehicle, Your feet are praised by DEvendra, father or Brahma, who shines like a crore of suns, you are like lion to the elephant of demons, your face is like the lotus. O Lord, why does your grace elude me? You are the Protector of YAgas, praised by righteous men, meditated upon by ascetics. You are permanent without beginning or end, recline upon AdiSesha, bestower of boons to GAjEndra, decked wit the Punnaga flower, remover of sins forever, your feet held by AnjanEya, the son of VAyu. You are the subject of scriptures and you are desireless. O Lord, why does your grace elude me? Lord! Your grace still eludes me. I dread the prospect of your abandoning me forever. Is not this the right moment to protect me? O BAla, do come in all your majesty adorned by royal ornaments and reesplendent weapons riding on GaruDa surrounded by celestials and sages. Let me submerge in the divine tranquility radiated by your charming countenance. Has not that transquility been declared by the VEdas and Upanishads as the highest acquisition and as the Supreme goal of all human spiritual endeavor?
Other information: Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. This song shows nama japa, and as described here, this song was composed when Tyagaraja finally saw Lord Rama.