Song: baale baalEndu
baale baalEndu
raagam: reeti gowLa
22 kharaharapriya janya
Aa: S G2 R2 G2 M1 N2 D2 M1 N2 N2 S
Av: S N2 D2 M1 G2 M1 P M1 G2 R2 S
taaLam: aadi
Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu
bAlE! bAlEndu bhUSani! bhavarOga shamani
PhAla lOchani! ShrI dharma samvardhani! sakalalOka janani
caraNam 1
shIlE! nanu rakSincu jAgElE! paramapAvani! suguNajAle!
natajana paripAlani lOlE! kanaka maya sucElE! kAla vairiki
priyamaina yillAlavai yindu velisinanduku
shrI lalitE! nI tanayudaNi nanu kusAlugA piluva
caraNam 2
sArE! sakala nigama vanasancArE! capala kOTinibha
dEvatAnganA parivArE! pAmarajana dUrE! kIravANi! shrI
vihArivai velasinandu kika nAnEra kOTulanella
sahinci gAravimpa valE nammA; shivE!
caraNam 3
rAmE! praNatArti harAbhirAmE! dEva kAmini lalAmE!
tyAgarAja bhajana sakAme!
durjana gaNabhImE! nA manasuna nI caraNamula sadA
nEmamutO pUja jEsitini;
shrI rAma sOdarivai velasina shrI shyAmaLE! dharma
O Mother! One adorned with the crescent! One to cause the disease of Samsara to subside! One with
an eye on the forehead. O Dharmasamvardhani! Oh Mother of all worlds. O Abode of virtues. Why delay in
protecting me? Protector of all. O Treasure of virtues. One who love sto protect those seeking refuge! One adorned with golden garments! O Lalita! As
you are in this town as a beloved consort of Siva who has won over Time. Please consider me your son and joyously call me, O Mother! You are the essence of everything. You roam around in the jungles of the Vedas.
Your body has the radiance of ten million lightnings. You have celestial damsels as maids in attendants.
You are the remover of base and ignorant men. You are the one with parrot-like speech. As you sport in this Tiruvayyaru, you must honor me, O Consort of Siva!
by pardoning my numerous wrongs. O Best among women. You are the supreme among celestial damsels. You are one who enjoys the bhajana rendering of devotional songs of
Tyagaraja. You cause fear in the vicious. My mind always worships your feet in a disciplined manner, o Shyamaladevi, sister of Lord Rama. O Dharmasamvardhhani!
Other information:
Lyrics contributed by Lakshman Ragde. Meaning from Compositions of Tyagaraja
by TK Govinda Rao.