shreeman naaraayaNa - Click to listen (Bombay Sisters)! Click to view in: Tamil
sreeman naraayaNa 15 maayamaaLava gowLa janya
taaLam: aadi pallavi
shrIman nArAyaNa shrIman nArAyaNa anupallavi
kamalAsati mukhakamala kamalahita caraNam
parama yogijana bhAgadheya shrI
Meaning: Oh, one whose wife is KamalA (Lakshmi sitting on lotus), having the face of a lotus, one who tends lotus, one who likes lotus, one with eyes like lotus, Oh, one in lotus posture, one who rides the eagle Garuda, Oh, one with a lotus on his navel, I seek your lotus feet. One who brings good fortune to great yogis One the supreme soul beyond, Oh one who has the shape of an atom (or one who gives substance to an atom) Oh, God of Thiruvenkata mountains, I seek your feet. Shreeman- auspicious, venerable, pAdam- feet, sharanam �seek feet, surrender Kamala �lotus, sati- wife, mukha- face, hita- welfare, tending, priya- lover, akshi- eye, Aasana- posture, seat, - garudagamana- going on Garuda, nAbha- navel, Parama- supreme, beyond, bhagya- fortune, deya- giver, atmA- soul, aNu- atom, giri , deva- god,
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